Let’s pick your doctor

Dr. Seema Afsari, DO
Functional & Integrative Medicine
10+ years practicing integrative and functional medicine. Specialties include anxiety, insomnia, depression, as well as digestive and hormonal health.

Dr. Irene Carr, MD
Functional & Integrative Medicine
20+ years practicing medicine. Board-certified in Gynecology and Palliative Medicine. Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine.

Dr. Tiffany Mullen, DO
Functional & Integrative Medicine
20+ years of practicing medicine, certified in integrative and functional medicine, dual board certification in family medicine and integrative medicine.

Dr. Alicia McCubbins, ND
Naturopathic Medicine & Functional Medicine
10+ years of practicing naturopathic and functional medicine in primary care and specializing in fertility, anxiety & depression, hormones & thyroid, and digestive health.
Our Functional Nutritionist and Functional Health Coach

Cindi Lockhart, RDN, LD, IFNCP
Functional Nutritionist
Cardiometabolic conditions, obesity/weight loss hormone balance, hypothyroidism, gut health, food sensitivities, mast cell & histamine-related conditions, autoimmunity.

Patty Stark M ED, FMCHCH
Functional Health Coach
Functional health and wellness coach with experience supporting gradual and positive lifestyle changes in nutrition, sleep, stress, exercise, and relationships.