Managing Change: How a Functional Health Coach Can Help You Implement Positive Lifestyle Shifts

Our current lifestyle got us to where we are today—some habits have been positive, while others may have contributed to imbalances in our health. When you start working with a functional medicine doctor, they’ll help you identify which aspects of your life are working for you and which need improvement to support optimal health. But identifying changes is only the first step. The real challenge often lies in implementing these changes and sticking to them over time. That’s where a functional health coach comes in.

At Vytal Health, Patty Stark is our dedicated functional health coach. She works closely with you to bridge the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it. Together, you’ll create actionable steps that fit into your life, making positive changes sustainable and meaningful. Let’s explore how Patty’s expertise and coaching techniques can help you succeed.

Identifying What Needs to Change

Before we can work on creating new habits, we need to acknowledge what isn’t serving you. Maybe you’ve been relying on processed foods due to a busy schedule, or perhaps your stress levels are high and affecting your sleep. With the help of your functional medicine doctor, we’ll identify specific areas—whether it’s diet, exercise, stress management, or sleep—that could be contributing to health issues or preventing you from feeling your best.

Once we have clarity on what needs to change, the next step is making a plan for how to approach it. That’s where Patty steps in, helping you figure out not just what to change, but how to incorporate those changes in a realistic, sustainable way.

The Challenge of Implementation

It’s easy to understand what needs to change, but the implementation is where many people struggle. Life is full of commitments, and it’s hard to break out of established routines. Patty’s job is to make this process easier by working alongside you to identify realistic goals and create strategies to help you succeed.

Change doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Patty uses several techniques to help you build new habits and routines that feel manageable, not disruptive.

Coaching Techniques to Help You Succeed

1. Habit Stacking

One of the most effective ways to create new habits is through a technique called habit stacking. This involves linking a new habit to an existing one that’s already well-established in your daily routine. The idea is that by “stacking” a new habit onto something you already do consistently, it becomes easier to remember and incorporate.

For example, if you want to start taking supplements every day, you could stack this habit onto something you already do consistently, like drinking your morning coffee or brushing your teeth. Over time, the new behavior becomes automatic, making it easier to stick to.

2. Creating Routines

Routine is one of the most powerful tools for creating lasting change. When we build new behaviors into a structured routine, we reduce the mental load of decision-making and make it easier to stick to healthier choices. Patty helps you develop daily or weekly routines that align with your health goals.

For example, if you’re trying to improve your sleep quality, we may focus on building a calming evening routine that involves turning off screens an hour before bed, dimming the lights, and incorporating a relaxing activity like reading or meditation. This routine helps signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down, leading to better, more restful sleep over time.

3. Breaking Goals into Smaller Steps

When tackling significant lifestyle changes, it’s important not to try to do everything all at once. Large goals can feel overwhelming, leading to frustration or burnout. A more effective approach is breaking down big goals into smaller, manageable steps.

For instance, if your goal is to transition to a healthier diet, we might start by focusing on just one meal at a time. Rather than overhauling your entire diet, we could begin with a healthy breakfast habit. Once that becomes routine, we move on to lunch and dinner, gradually building toward the bigger goal.

4. Accountability and Support

Accountability is key to staying on track with new habits. Patty provides regular check-ins to assess your progress, celebrate your successes, and help you overcome any roadblocks. She’ll work with you to troubleshoot challenges, make adjustments, and keep you motivated.

Having someone in your corner to guide and encourage you makes a huge difference in achieving lasting change. It’s not just about having a plan—it’s about having the support to stay on course and adapt when life inevitably throws curveballs your way.

5. Mindset Shifts

Change isn’t only physical; it’s also mental. Often, our mindset can either support or sabotage our efforts to improve our health. Patty will work with you to shift your mindset around health and change, focusing on self-compassion, progress over perfection, and celebrating small wins along the way.

When you start viewing your health journey as a series of positive, empowering steps rather than an all-or-nothing effort, it becomes easier to stay committed and motivated over the long term.

Ready to Take Action?

If you’re ready to make positive changes but unsure how to start or stick with them, working with Patty could be the key to your success. Schedule a call with one of our care coordinators today to discuss how you can start working with a health coach at Vytal Health and take the first step toward lasting, meaningful change!