Why Vytal Health Can’t Be Your

Primary Care Provider

At Vytal Health, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive functional medicine care that addresses the root causes of health issues, offering personalized treatments that go beyond conventional approaches. However, as a virtual clinic, there are some limitations to our services, and one of the most important is that we cannot serve as your primary care provider (PCP).

The Role of a Primary Care Provider

Your primary care provider is your go-to healthcare professional for routine check-ups, screenings, and any medical concerns that require in-person evaluation. They play a crucial role in your overall health management, particularly for issues that need a physical examination, such as checking your blood pressure, conducting physical exams, and addressing acute concerns that might require immediate, hands-on care.

Why You Still Need a Primary Care Provider

While functional medicine and primary care often overlap, especially when it comes to managing chronic conditions, there are distinct differences between the two. Here’s why maintaining a relationship with a primary care provider is essential, even if you’re under the care of a functional medicine doctor:

  • In-Person Evaluations: Some health concerns require a physical touch—something we can’t provide in a virtual setting. Whether it’s listening to your heart and lungs, checking for skin abnormalities, or conducting a physical exam, these are crucial aspects of healthcare that can only be done in person.
  • Immediate Care: In situations where you need urgent medical attention, such as a sudden illness or injury, a primary care provider or local urgent care is your best option.
  • Routine Screenings and Procedures: Primary care providers conduct essential screenings like mammograms, colonoscopies, and blood pressure checks.

How Functional Medicine Fits In

Functional medicine is a patient-centered approach that looks at the whole person, not just isolated symptoms. While a primary care doctor may diagnose and treat conditions like high cholesterol or pre-diabetes primarily with medications, a functional medicine doctor aims to understand why these conditions developed in the first place and offers a broader range of treatment options.

Case Study: The Functional Medicine Approach

Let’s consider a real-world example. A 46-year-old patient comes to Vytal Health and sees a functional medicine doctor. After running a comprehensive blood panel, the doctor discovers that the patient has high cholesterol and is pre-diabetic.

Our Approach:
  • High Cholesterol: For a patient presenting with elevated cholesterol, our approach would start with comprehensive testing, including detailed cholesterol (lipoprotein) profiles, to accurately assess cardiovascular risk. Rather than immediately prescribing statins, we would recommend a combination of dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and supplements specifically known to support healthy cholesterol levels. Additionally, we might suggest further testing, such as hormone or thyroid evaluations, or even a stool test, to uncover any underlying factors contributing to the high cholesterol. This approach allows us to address the root causes rather than just managing symptoms.
  • Pre-Diabetes: For a patient with pre-diabetic lab results, we would advise implementing a 12-hour overnight fast, starting each meal with protein, and incorporating walks after meals to help regulate blood sugar levels. To provide more personalized care, we would recommend working with our functional nutritionist to develop a meal plan tailored to the patient’s specific needs. Additionally, we would assess cortisol levels and support adrenal health, as these can significantly impact glucose management. Hormone balance is another area we would focus on, given its influence on insulin levels. We might also suggest using a glucose monitor as a biofeedback tool, helping the patient identify and manage dietary and lifestyle triggers that affect their blood sugar.
  • Follow-Up: After establishing an individualized treatment plan, we would schedule a follow-up period of 6-8 weeks. During this time, we would reassess the patient’s progress through follow-up lab work and adjust the plan as necessary to ensure optimal outcomes.
Primary Care Comparison: A primary care doctor would likely address these issues as well, but their focus might be more on prescribing medications and providing general dietary advice. While these are important, they might not go as deep into the lifestyle changes and supplementation that functional medicine emphasizes.

Working Together for Your Health

Your health is best served when your functional medicine doctor and primary care provider work together. At Vytal Health, we’ll guide you on which doctor should handle specific aspects of your care, ensuring you get the best of both worlds—comprehensive, root-cause-focused care from us and essential in-person care from your primary provider.

Remember, while we can prescribe medications and order labs, we’re not equipped to perform physical exams or provide urgent care. That’s why having a primary care provider is vital to your overall healthcare plan.

If you’re ready to take a proactive, whole-body approach to your health, our team at Vytal Health is here to support you—complementing, not replacing, the care you receive from your primary care provider. Schedule a free call with a care coordinator to learn more by clicking here