Understanding the Difference Between Holistic and Functional Medicine

Understanding the Difference Between Holistic and Functional Medicine

Ever wondered what the difference is between a holistic doctor and a functional medicine doctor? They both seem to focus on treating the whole person rather than just symptoms, but some key differences set them apart. So what IS holistic care, and how do we integrate it into our practice at Vytal Health?

Let’s dive into it!

Holistic Healthcare: The Big Picture Approach

Holistic healthcare is all about looking at the big picture. Imagine you’re a jigsaw puzzle. Holistic doctors don’t just focus on one piece of your health – like your sore throat or high blood pressure. They don’t just focus on one piece, they consider all aspects of your well-being. This includes physical health, emotions, mental state, social life, and spiritual well-being.

When working with a holistic doctor online or in person, you might find yourself exploring everything from acupuncture and yoga to meditation and herbal remedies. It’s not just about what’s going wrong; it’s about keeping everything in balance and harmony. And, crucially, you’re in the driver’s seat. Holistic doctors want you to be actively involved in your health journey. They suggest choosing options that match your values and lifestyle.

Functional Medicine: The Detective Work Approach

Functional medicine is like having a health detective on your side. Instead of just treating symptoms, we dig deep to find the root causes of your health issues. We look at your body as an interconnected system, examining how your genetics, environment, and lifestyle interact. Through detailed testing and personalized analysis, we develop a treatment plan tailored specifically for you. If you want to learn more about functional medicine, check out this blog post: https://vytalhealth.com/how-to-find-a-functional-medicine-doctor/

Our Holistic Approach to Functional Care : Best of Both Worlds

We take an online holistic approach because we know that true health is about more than just the absence of disease. It’s about balance and well-being in every aspect of your life – physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual. Here’s what you can expect from our online holistic-centered care:

  • Whole-Person Focus: We consider every aspect of your health and well-being, not just the symptoms you’re experiencing.
  • Integrated Therapies: We combine conventional medicine with recommendations and consideration of other therapies like acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and nutrition counseling to support your entire health journey. We have a an online health coach and functional nutritionist on the team to round out your care if needed.
  • Patient-Centered Care: You are at the center of everything we do. We involve you in every step of your care, ensuring that your treatment aligns with your values and lifestyle. We have dedicated care coordinators who help guide you through the whole process, so you feel confident in your treatment plan and online holistic doctor.
  • Prevention and Wellness: We emphasize preventive care and maintaining overall wellness, helping you stay healthy and vibrant in the long term.
  • Mind-Body Connection: We recognize the powerful connection between your mind and body. Stress, emotions, and mental health can significantly impact your physical health, and we address these areas to support your overall well-being.

Our Integrated Approach

By combining functional and online holistic medicine, we offer a unique approach to healthcare that looks at the complete picture of your health. We focus on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of your health concerns while also promoting overall wellness and balance in your life.

  • Root Cause Analysis: We identify the underlying factors contributing to your health issues, whether they’re related to diet, lifestyle, genetics, or environment.
  • Personalized Care: Your treatment plan is customized based on your unique needs and circumstances, ensuring the most effective and relevant care for you.
  • Collaborative Care: Our team works together, combining their expertise to provide you with comprehensive and coordinated care.

How Holistic Medicine Works Online and the Perks of Telehealth

Holistic medicine has gone digital, and it’s easier than ever to take care of your whole self from the comfort of your own home. We have got online care down to a fine art at Vytal Health. But how do we do it? Read on to find out!

Holistic Medicine Goes Online

So, how exactly do you get holistic care through a screen? Here’s the scoop:

  1. Virtual Consultations: Imagine having a face-to-face chat with your holistic doctor right from your living room. They’ll take a detailed health history, talk about your symptoms, and craft a personalized care plan – all via video call.
  2. Digital Prescriptions and Supplements: Need meds or supplements? They can be prescribed online and delivered to your door. No pharmacy trips are required! We partner with a company called FullScript who will ship all supplements to your door, with a discount to boot!
  3. Educational Resources: Many holistic practitioners offer online workshops and webinars on nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle changes. It’s all about empowering you to take control of your health.

The Awesome Benefits of Telehealth for Holistic Care

Telehealth isn’t just about convenience – though that’s a huge plus. Here are some of the biggest benefits:

  1. Accessibility: Whether you’re in the middle of nowhere or across the country, you can access top-notch holistic doctors online. No travel is needed.
  2. Convenience: Skip the commute and have your appointments from your couch. Perfect for busy schedules, mobility issues, or just anyone who prefers their PJs to a waiting room.
  3. Continuity of Care: Stay connected with your healthcare provider, even if you move or travel. Regular follow-ups and check-ins ensure you’re always on track.
  4. Comprehensive Approach: Digital tools help your practitioner gather all the info they need and keep track of your progress. It’s a thorough, integrated approach without stepping foot in an office.
  5. Cost-Effective: Save on travel and reduce healthcare costs with telehealth. More frequent, shorter check-ins with your online holistic doctor can also be easier on your wallet.
  6. Enhanced Communication: Got a question between appointments? Our platform lets you message your practitioner anytime, keeping the communication lines open.
  7. Privacy and Comfort: Feel more at ease discussing personal health issues from home? You’re not alone. It can lead to more open, honest conversations with your practitioner.
  8. Holistic Lifestyle Integration: Telehealth makes it simple to blend holistic practices into your daily life. Practitioners can give real-time feedback on your home setup, diet, and routines.


Telehealth has totally changed the game for holistic medicine. It brings the benefits of a comprehensive, patient-centered approach right to your doorstep. Whether you need a consultation, a therapy session, or some lifestyle advice, telehealth makes working with an online holistic doctor super accessible and convenient.

So, if you’re looking to take charge of your health in a whole new way, why not give online holistic medicine a try? It’s all about taking care of your entire self – body, mind, and spirit – from wherever you are.

Learn More About Holistic Medicine At Vytal Health Now