It’s hard to say why women struggle so much to invest in their health. But we do, and it’s not logical. It’s easier to invest in our kitchens than invest in our health.
Putting your health in kitchen terms
Let us say your kitchen is in desperate need of a remodel. It has been functioning perfectly well since 1986, but every time you walk in you feel blah and uninspired. You try replacing the curtains, toss in a new rug, buy some new towels and perhaps a beautiful new set of dishes. It is not enough. It still looks like the same old kitchen.
One day, you think “I can’t work in this kitchen anymore.” The linoleum floors are faded, the cabinet doors creak a little, and the oven just does not reach 350 degrees every time. Does it work? Yes. However, it leaves you longing for the new restaurant down the road rather than inspiring you to cook.
Time for a remodel.
Investing in a remodel includes getting professional help
A serious, professional remodel. Not the DIY type, but the kind where kitchen professionals help you not only capture the vision you have for your new kitchen, but create a detailed plan to make it happen.
You meet with the planner and he or she creates a vision of a kitchen. Something you never would have come up with on your own but that fits with the dream you have.
You know it will take hard work and sacrifice, but you are invigorated by the thought of cooking in your new beautiful kitchen. So you press on.
If you can invest in your kitchen, you can invest in your health
Imagine your health is like your old kitchen. It is serviceable. It works on a daily basis, but it is not inspired. It may even feel creaky and worn.
You do not wake in the morning excited about your body, health, or life. You have tried various eating plans and vitamins on your own. You have made little changes—jumped on the keto, paleo, low-fat, HCG diet train and felt a little better, but still not yourself. Certainly not the 30-year-old self you dream about.
Consider what it would look like to work with a clinician—a professional health planner—who will look beyond the pretty towels and new dishes. Someone who will help you create a detailed plan for your inside-out overhaul. Someone who catches your vision for your health and gives you the tools you need to succeed in your vision.
Your health is worth the investment, so go all in
Like the kitchen, it takes some investment and time, but you end up with a beautiful product. Just like meeting with a kitchen planner for a consult can help a little, meeting with a clinician for a one-time visit can help a little. However, there is only so much planning you can do in a single visit.
What if you decide to be all-in? What if you say, “I am in this for the next 12 months because I am committed to the big change.”
By choosing to commit to the long-term, you are saying “My remodel is important. I am important. My health is worth the investment.”
You can do this. It’s worth it. If you’re ready to get started, I’d love to chat with you.