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Your go-to resource for the latest in functional medicine, advice, and expertise from the clinicians you know and trust.

Is Functional Medicine for Me?

Is Functional Medicine for Me?

Is Functional Medicine for Me? Is functional medicine right for you? It depends. As a functional medicine doctor myself, I’m certainly biased in favor of it. However, it...

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6 Ways to Reset your Hormones with Food

Hormones can affect our mood, our weight and even our sex drive. Stress, poor diet and trauma are just a few of the contributing factors to hormonal imbalances, but Dr. Sara Gottfried, a gynecologist and author of “The Hormone Cure”.

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Biohack Your Genetics to Unlock Your Superpowers

Everyone knows that genetics are hardwired: little coils of protein and cement determining our fate. Unchangeable, out of our control. We are at their mercy, right? Wrong.

You might find it fascinating to know that only about 20-30% of what makes us healthy is determined by genetics. The other 70-80% is determined by our behaviors (how much we exercise, how we eat, how we handle stress) and social circumstances (whether we have our basic needs met).

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